Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reflecting Back while Looking Forward

I was checking out Shibari's new site and read her very poignant reflection of her 2008. This made me slow down enough to realize that a solid inventory (4th step for those who are friends of Bill W) of the past year would not be a bad idea.

In reflecting back I must admit there have been some wonderful events that have transpired during the year that was:

Babushka and I:
The 'honeymoon' that was 2007 was replaced with a much more substantial yet satisfying 2008. In 2008 we faced true challenges toward one another - not fights but situations where one of us was emotionally challenged with the other yet we were able to talk them through our feelings and frustrations with respect of the other.

Babushka and I (and the rest of the brood)
2008 saw our families begin the process of integrating into a single unit, specifically Dude and Punkin. This process was one I was concerned with yet went as well as I could have possibly imagined. Punkin and BuddyLuv have become friends very quickly and enjoy each others' company on the weekends we are all together. Even Dude, in all of his 15-year old self absorbed glory, has been polite and accomodating during this time.

The long-awaited divorce:
After two long years there was a conclusion (sort of) with the divorce from PB. August saw the trial date arrive and a settlement finally become reality. Granted, this did not come without significant expense (emotional and financial). But after 24 months my desire to be done with this enabled me to make the tough decisions needed to bring this to resolution. As a result I have a house in my name that I do not live in with two mortgages solely in my name; a car I do not drive with an auto loan solely in my name; a house full of furniture, electronics and the like acquired over 15 years that was divided 100% for her and 0% for me. Even with all that - it has been well worth the cost given what I have been given in return (see two previous paragraphs).

I have more 2008 to review and expectations for 2009 to blog about but it is late now and Florida has wrapped up the BCS game. Dude and I can now go to bed.

Until tomorrow - take care and be blessed!!