Thursday, October 25, 2007

World Series HNT

I thought that for a change of pace I would give the beautiful one a respite so this week's HNT is Babushka-Free (I can hear the complaints now!!!)

This week is in tribute of the underdog Colorado Rockies as they take on the "new"evil empire of the North East. My first trip to see 'outdoor baseball' was my 4th of July trip to Coors Field. These are my feet in left field before the fireworks...which were awesome!!

Happy HNT to everyone!!


TK Kerouac said...

hmmm , long toes.
happy hnt!

I'm out of private
if you would like to re link


Bunny said...

Great feet! Fab-U-lous!


Anonymous said...


The Middle Child said...

Happy HNT to you!


Anonymous said...

well as a new resident of colorado...I have to say..


(that felt good)

Vixen said...

So.....I have questions for Why am I so dense and it's taking my muffin person to point out to me all these pple that live where I live?!??

happyHNT! :)

Big Kahuna said...

Tracey - You know what they say about long toes?!?!

Bunny - Thanks for the compliment - I do not think I have ever shown my feet before

SeaRabbit - How's life on the 13th Floor? Good to see you.

Middle Child - Welcome to our humble home. I hope to see you again and swing by your blog.

Stealth - Texas to Colorado?? That is almost as bad as going from Maui to Minnesota

Vixen - Now I gotta go back to your blogand find out where you live and who the muffin man is!!

Happy HNT to all and have a great weekend!!