Saturday, December 29, 2007
Not sure what the title should be
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season, however you celebrate. My Christmas was the best Christmas I have ever had in my entire life! No exaggeration!
But, today is not a holiday and so today I will deal with life. There is a topic that I want to write about. Yet, I don't know the angle from which to cover this topic. I don't even know what I want to say about this topic. Maybe because I have this nagging feeling that I have to work something out within and it is too complex to do so without doing a free writing session to realize how I feel! Anyone totally confused, yet?
As most of you know, Kahuna is still going through his divorce. It is surprising what little a deal this is. . . I know he is trying, I know they are proceeding, slowly but surely. . . I could write forever about being the girlfriend of a divorcing man. But, I acknowledge all of that, and accept that we are who we are and what we are and am right with my God about that.
The divorce is not the issue at hand. The ex. . . I could go on about her and her stunts. But, that is not even the issue at hand. But, what about the kids.
I have BuddyLuv, a 12 year old I have been raising since day one as a single parent. He has Dude, a 14 year old boy and Pumpkin, a 10 year old girl.
Years back, I met Dude and Pumpkin. This was far before Kahuna and I had any incling that we would become this beautiful thing we are today. The three kids were brought in for the take your child to work day. I have seen this years school pictures of them. They are such beautiful children!
Dude's response to the separation of his parents was very supportive, almost to the point of sounding like, "Why did it take you so long". I remember walking with Kahuna one day over lunch and his telling me that Pumpkin saw a picture of a wedding dress in the window of an alterations shop. She commented that if he ever got married again, she would help the bride pick out the wedding dress and maybe the person he married could help her (Pumpkin) pick out her wedding dress. Because of their ages, and the relationship (or lack there of) they saw, they have never really held onto the hope that Kahuna and ex will ever gert back together again. That does not mean it is not hard on them. Pumpkin, especially. . . She just wants to be normal and feels that she and her family are not normal because the mom and dad do not live together. And, at 10, she is sure she is the only one who is like that.
A while back, Kahuna started to prepare them for the entrance of a lady friend by making and receiving short, happy, light phone calls. Dude has suspected for quite some time that there is someone else (though not as far back as we actually go). Dude used to joke that Kahuna should join a dating service. Dude was also mortified that a lady flirted with Kahuna at the grocery store.
Kahuna had a talk with Dude to confirm my existence in his life. Dude seemed to take it alright, but did not ask any questions about me, which had me a little concerned. But, he is 14. He needed time to take it all in. Kahuna did tell Dude that Pumpkin did not know about me, and was concerned that she was not ready. Dude understood.
I was relieved to hear about Dude teasing Kahuna about having a girlfriend. To me, it showed that he was warming up to the idea.
A few weeks back, BuddyLuv's school district was going to state for football. Kahuna was very pleased that BuddyLuv wanted to go see the game with Kahuna. He said he would take BuddyLuv. But, then Dude was going to be at Kahuna's, so we decided it would be best to wait till next year. We talked to BuddyLuv, who is aware of the basics of the situation, and was understanding beyond his years. Kahuna talked to Dude and said that he had made this commitment to BuddyLuv and asked him if he would want to go with so that Dude can meet BuddyLuv and Kahuna can stand by his commitment. Dude's response was that sure, he would be ok with doing that if it were ok with me! Turned out that Dude went to his cousins for something, Kahuna went with us to the game. But, I took Dude's response to the invitation as another positive sign.
Fast forward to Christmas. Christmas was beautiful and wonderful. But, it made me think about Dude and Pumpkin and how I wish I could share the joy of the season with them, as well. I think it is the mother instinct in me that knows they have not really seen a healthy relationship before. And, our Christmas was so full of healthy, fun happiness. . . I just wished they could have been a part of it.
BuddyLuv and I made Kahuna a fleece tie blanket. It was SUPER BIG! Kahuna really wanted one. But, turned out that Pumpkin made one too. As soon as I heard that, I was concerned that she would be upset that he got two of those. . . Turned out that she was a bit saddened by the fact that she was not the only one to give him one of these blankets. But, that quickly changed when they both asked where it came from. Followed by Kahuna's response, "A friend", followed by, "A speciallllllll fffrrriiieeennnddd??????", followed by, "yes, a special fffrrriiieeennnddd", followed by "oooooooohhhhhhhhh". Again, I take the oohs as a good sign that they are getting used to the idea that someone is there.
For Christmas, Santa brought BuddyLuv 3 snowboarding lessons. Kahuna said that maybe we could schedule BuddyLuv's lessons at the same time as Pumpkin's lessons, starting this Saturday (today). To make sure we are on the same page, I asked him about that later. This would mean that BuddyLuv and I would meet Dude and Pumpkin. Was he sure he was ready for that? We talked about it. Are there legal concerns? Can the ex use it against him in court if he were to introduce me to them before the divorce is final (even if it has been over a year)? Does she need to approve my meeting them before the divorce is finalized? Are the kids ready? There are so may questions and things to take onto consideration.
Now comes the hard part.
Why does it matter to me?
Is it simply because I am selfish and know that I may not have to give up seeing Kahuna every other weekend once we meet?
Or, is it because I know in my heart that I will someday be a part of their lives, and do not want to miss out on anything while waiting to meet them?
Why do I want so badly to meet them?
Why do I bring it up, or jump at the chance to meet them?
Why do I not let things be and happen when they happen?
I trust Kahuna with all of my heart!
So, why cannot I trust that he will introduce me to his children when he is ready?
Is there something I am not facing here?
Am I not asking the right questions to find peace with this?
Whatever the reason, I wrote this to think. I have not found any answers. So, it is not my time to understand. I give this to my God, my Higher Power, to worry about. I trust my Kahuna. I trust my God. Patience is not one of my greatest virtues. But, I will try to work on that.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My Turn
Kahuna – Not yet but I am getting a little closer each day.
Babushka - Very close. . . But, not quite yet!
2. What is your favorite sexual position?
Kahuna – It really depends on the mood. Missionary for prolonged, tender lovemaking with much kissing and touching – Babushka bent over the couch if we are swept up in the desire to fuck right then.
Babushka - Any position in which I can see Kahuna (even if I am watching in the mirror!
3. On a scale of 1-10, how open are you to trying new sexual things?Kahuna – If 10 is the most open, then 10
Babushka - 10!
4. What present are you hoping to get this year?
Kahuna – I already have all I want
Babushka - Funny, that is my response, too! My mom email out asking for ideas. . . The only thing I could come up with was laundry soap and deodrant!
5. With your current partner (or your last partner) how often was the sex better than just good?
Kahuna – Not to be sappy or unrealistic but in over a year with Babushka sex has always been better than ‘just good’.
Babushka - Oh, my Kahuna!
Bonus (as in optional): Can a relationship that you are part of survive on sex alone? Could it survive a prolonged period of abstinence?
Kahuna – Funny – Babushka and I were just talking about this last weekend (while snuggling afterward). The reason sex is so great with Babushka is that there is more to it than just that – we respect, honor and care for one another as well as desire one another physically.
I hope I never have to find out if it could survive a long period of abstinence. My hope is that we will always be connected sexually in some manner, not necessarily intercourse.
Babushka - I could write books on how a relationship I am part of cannot survive on sex alone. . . And also how a relationship I am part of cannot survive with long periods of abstinance, either. I crave the human touch. I thrive on that connection. The more I connect, the more I learn about myself.
I adore you, my Kahuna! I miss your kisses tonight!
TMI 114
Kahuna – Not yet but I am getting a little closer each day.
2. What is your favorite sexual position?
Kahuna – It really depends on the mood. Missionary for prolonged, tender lovemaking with much kissing and touching – Babushka bent over the couch if we are swept up in the desire to fuck right then.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how open are you to trying new sexual things?
Kahuna – If 10 is the most open, then 10
4. What present are you hoping to get this year?
Kahuna – I already have all I want
5. With your current partner (or your last partner) how often was the sex better than just good?
Kahuna – Not to be sappy or unrealistic but in over a year with Babushka sex has always been better than ‘just good’.
Bonus (as in optional): Can a relationship that you are part of survive on sex alone? Could it survive a prolonged period of abstinence?
Kahuna – Funny – Babushka and I were just talking about this last weekend (while snuggling afterward). The reason sex is so great with Babushka is that there is more to it than just that – we respect, honor and care for one another as well as desire one another physically.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
It's Been WAAAAAY Too Long
As the new year approaches I am awed and amazed at what has transpired in the last year for me.
- A full year of fulfilling and joyous sobriety (I have been 'dry' a year before but never lived a truly sober life)
- The completion (as of Tuesday) of my 20-year quest for a College Degree (B.S. in Business)
- A long awaited but never believed would happen promotion (Director has a nice ring)
- And of course, a year of amazement with my Babushka
I am glad she is back, still seducing Rick and hoping she overcomes her loss. The Good Wife made me realize that a passionate, loving long-term relationship was possible. Her words helped to support my internal resolve that there was more to life than what I had been experiencing up to then. All things happen for a reason. The Good Wife's presence in mine at a time of despair and confusion was not by chance.
Which of course leads me to my Babushka. I now have in my life what I had only read about and dreamed of late at night. I am blessed indeed!!!
Get Busy Livin or Get Busy Dyin'
I am living the good life
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
TMI #112
Here's to the start of getting back on a 'blog-roll'
1. If your partner buys you a sexy little "something" is it a present for you or for your partner?
BABUSHKA - C) Both of us! Whether it is on or in Kahuna or myself, we can both share in the fun and pleasure!
2. What are 3 characteristics of "your type"?
BABUSHKA - Mean, thug, disrespectful. . . Everything Kahuna is not. Sometimes you do not get what you are looking for. Sometimes you are blessed enough to get even better!
KAHUNA – Humorous, Generous, Sexual(ous)…..Everything Babushka is. And I am working on my ‘Street Cred’ for thuggery and disrespect J
3. On a scale of 1-10, how good a cook are you?
BABUSHKA - Hahaha! Cook? Me? Kahuna teases me that I use a metal cake pan cover as a pan in the oven!
KAHUNA – Probably 9. I have cooked all my life and consider the kitchen my domain. I have a difficult time letting others cook if I am not.
4. Tattoos: Love them or hate them. On you? On a partner?
BABUSHKA - Love them to a point. I am not a huge fan of the all over kind. . . I have one (I am sure the picture is on here somewhere) . . Kahuna does not.
KAHUNA – This is changing – I was always a ‘hate them’ kinda guy but I love Babushka’s and have now considered getting one of my own (What is a good ‘old guy’ tattoo anyway?). Perhaps I could get me a thuggy tatt to help with my Street Cred!!!
- Note: I do adhere to the double standard philosophy. No tattoo for my daughter (Life is NOT fair – get used to it)
5. Stubble: Good or bad? How often do you shave?
BABUSHKA - I love Kahuna's stubble to a certain point. But, he always keeps it from being too much. . . He is always so beautiful with it!
KAHUNA – I keep telling Babushka to trim that beard of hers so it won’t scratch me when we kiss!!
Bonus (as in optional): What are a few of your favorite things (both sexual non-sexual)?
- My life
- BuddyLuv's eyes, laugh and attitude.
- Kahuna's chest.
- Our level of communication.
- His strength. (Basically everything about Kahuna)
- Sexually, the intimacy involved. Our time. Our inventivmess. Watching Kahuna's face. Hearing him or I giggle like school kids after we cum.
- Babushka (Whenever, wherever and however I am blessed to spend time with her)
- Our kids
- Music I enjoy
- Exercise at the Gym
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My turn
KAHUNA – Record of consecutive shut-outs/strikeouts between hits during a marital season followed by “Cumback player of the year” after signing with a new organization.
BABUSHKA – I would lead the league in number of homeruns with my current organization. However, I will probably always hold the Record of Bunts (that’s a fake hit, right) from past organizations!
2. What song gets you in the mood to have sex? best music to fuck to? best music to make love to?
KAHUNA – It is funny that as much as I love music, nothing immediately comes to mind for this question. I guess Babushka and I better start working on this.
BABUSHKA – I know, I am a sap, but almost any song from the I Wanna Fuck You Like An Animal song to She’s Everything To Me can get me in the mood when I think about listening to them with Kahuna. I couldn’t even tell you a single song that has played while we were making love, having sex or fucking, though. I am so focused on us and the moment!
3. Where is your favorite place to have sex in your house/apartment?
KAHUNA – Anywhere in Babushka’s house rocks, but I love the fully clothed handjobs while sitting on the couch watching TV.
BABUSKHA – Favorite place? I guess I do not have one. I will take Kahuna where ever I can get him!
4. (girls) Have you sent or given your used panties to a guy? Do you know what happened to them? (guys) Have you taken/asked for a girls panties before? What did you do with them? (non-breeders) What is the protocol for this "tradition"?
KAHUNA – Too Funny-Babushka slipped a pair of hers in my jeans pocket a week ago and asked me what I did with them (Hope I find them before my son does!).
BABUSHKA – There’s your answer.
5. What makes a kiss a great to you?
KAHUNA – Soft Lips and a warm heart
BABUSHKA – Everything behind the kiss.
6. Bonus: Who pays for a date? If the girl asks a guy out, does she pay? If you are interested in same sex partners, how do you determine who pays?
KAHUNA – Whoever invites should pay the price
BABUSHKA – Agreed.
TMI #107
- If they kept stats of your sex life like they do in sports, what would you lead the league in? what all time record would you hold?
KAHUNA – Record of consecutive shut-outs/strikeouts between hits during a marital season followed by “Cumback player of the year” after signing with a new organization.
- What song gets you in the mood to have sex? best music to fuck to? best music to make love to?
KAHUNA – It is funny that as much as I love music, nothing immediately comes to mind for this question. I guess Babushka and I better start working on this.
- Where is your favorite place to have sex in your house/apartment?
KAHUNA – Anywhere in Babushka’s house rocks, but I love the fully clothed handjobs while sitting on the couch watching TV.
- (girls) Have you sent or given your used panties to a guy? Do you know what happened to them? (guys) Have you taken/asked for a girls panties before? What did you do with them? (non-breeders) What is the protocol for this "tradition"?
KAHUNA – Too Funny-Babushka slipped a pair of hers in my jeans pocket a week ago and asked me what I did with them (Hope I find them before my son does!).
5. What makes a kiss a great to you?
KAHUNA – Soft Lips and a warm heart
Bonus: Who pays for a date? If the girl asks a guy out, does she pay? If you are interested in same sex partners, how do you determine who pays?
KAHUNA – Whoever invites should pay the price
Thursday, October 25, 2007
World Series HNT
This week is in tribute of the underdog Colorado Rockies as they take on the "new"evil empire of the North East. My first trip to see 'outdoor baseball' was my 4th of July trip to Coors Field. These are my feet in left field before the fireworks...which were awesome!!



Happy HNT to everyone!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Turn
1) The flex of his arm as we walk
2) Soft fingers caressing me anywhere
3) Kisses on my temple/forehead/neck
4) The sight of him dressed up for work
5) The smell of his cologne on my clothes
6) The smell of his cock left on my hands
7) The massages
2. What are your non-genital errogenous zones and what do you like done to them?
1) My neck for nibbling
2) My fingers/toes for sucking
3) My butt cheeks for caressing
4) My lips for all of the above
5) The small of my back for all of the above
3. What sounds get you sexually charged?
1) His laughter
2) The sound of a moan
3) The sound of a gentle kiss
4) His heart beating out of his chest where my head lays
5) The sounds of two or more women enjoying their sexual adventures
4. After losing your virginity, what is the longest you’ve gone without penetrative sex?
2+ years
5. What is your least favorite sexual position? Why don't you like it?
Hmmmm. . . The only one I can think of is doggy style because I have bad knees and a tummy.
Bonus (as in optional): If you could sexually dominate or submit to 5 people - any 5, currently living or deceased - which 5 would it be?
1) Kahuna
2) Angelina Jolie
3) Shabari because of those pictures
4) Gillette because of her sensuality and knowledge
5) Dierks Bentley
TMI Tuesday #106
1. What are your 7 favorite tactile things that turn you on? Sex (like oral, or penetrative) cannot be an answer. (Examples: silk, light tickling, etc).
· Kissing Babushka’s Neck
· Giving Babushka a massage w/ lotion
· Babushka lightly touching/rubbing my neck, arms, chest (OK-Anywhere works)
· Talking about naughty scenarios involving another woman/other women with Babushka
· Babushka mouthing naughty thoughts in her mind of what she wants while we are out in public.
· Hearing Babushka say to me “Guess What….”
· Babushka following “Guess What….” with “…..I adore you”
· My Neck: Kissed softly and rubbed
· My Feet: Massaged with lotion
· My Butt: Licked and gently bit
· The sound of a vibrator
· The sound of Babushka’s voice
· Before Marriage – Approx. 16 Months
· During Marriage – Approx. 21 Months
· Since Babushka – Less than 1 Month
· I suppose I would say reverse cowgirl, because Babushka and I have never done it and when she is on top I like seeing her face and breasts.
· Babushka (of course)
· Jewel De’ Nyle
· Jennifer Love-Hewitt
· Shibari – Of course she would be dominated by both Babushka and I!!!
· Gillette – Not for D/S but to have her personally teach Babushka and I the ‘ins and outs’ of Tantric Sex
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A New Day HNT
Babushka and I have been unable to 'connect' in far too long. This has left us both somewhat "Randie" (as Austin Powers would say). This has meant self-connection as the order of the day. That said I swung by the video store to rent a movie for said self-connection purposes.
For many who blog this I am sure is a 'so what' event. For a person who has struggled with pornography addiction all through his youth and marriage this is an action fraught with danger. For anyone who has an addictive personality, you know that much of the power of an addiction comes from its' secrecy:
- "I am not hurting anyone"......
- "I am not doing anything wrong".....
- "It's better than the alternative".....
- "She won't care".....
- "She is better off not knowing anyway"......
- "This is the last time anyway".....
So why am I blogging all this? Because yesterday I told Babushka that I was feeling the need to take care of my own business and let her know that I had rented a movie for the task "at hand". This morning we spoke in detail about my evening of "hard work" and the details of the movie (Maison Erotique - Evil Angel).
The most rewarding part of the entire evening was not the orgasm but the intimacy in sharing my fears, my needs, my desires .......the sharing of my transparent my beautiful Babushka.
Instead of ending this entry with my typical tagline I will leave you with a photo of my lovely Babushka and an ability to click for a little bit more - Thanks ~D for all your help!

I am blessed..............
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
TMI #105 - Dating Edition
KAHUNA – I have no recollection – Waaaay to long ago
BABUSHKA - Goodness, that was a long time ago! Must not have been too exciting cause I have no clue!
2. Who was the first person you kissed on a date? [First name is fine.]?
KAHUNA – My first girlfriend, Lena when I was 15 years old
BABUSHKA - Goodness, that was a long time ago! Must not have been too exciting cause I have no clue!
3. Where was the first place you ever "parked" (on a date)?
KAHUNA – I assume it was with the gal from question #2, unless ‘parked’ assumes you went all the way with the person.
BABUSHKA - At 16, it was a very icky older man. . . Nothing I would like to remember!
4. Have you ever gone on a date with someone you met via the internet? If not, would you?
KAHUNA – I have not internet dated and the only way that would occur is if there was a post-Babushka period in my life (Not holding my breath)…….unless we are looking together for a beautiful third.
BABUSHKA - Nightmare! The first one told me before we had even ordered dinner what scrumptious I was, what he would do to me and how much I would love it! Great guy! I was too "polite" to run out screaming. So, I stuck around. . . Then about 1/2 way through the meal that the person who kept calling him was someone else he has met and already done all those things to, which is why she would not stop calling him. . . Followed by the admission that he was new to the state and did not yet have a job. But, if I were to pick up the check, he would promise to be worth it. Anyone surprised that I took down my ad that night and blocked all contact? When I felt I was ready to try again, the first date then was a really sweet guy who took me out for a nice evening and who was so enamored by me that he could not even kiss me goodnight. The next day, he told me he could see himself asking me to marry him within 6 months. . . I gave up internet dating!
5. What is the most romantic thing you have done on a first date?
KAHUNA – Romantic is so subjective based on who it is with and the expectations for said date. As an example, before my first ‘official’ date with Babushka I surprised her at a Dierks Bentley concert with a Cowboy hat in hand so she would have one at the concert.
BABUSHKA - Every date I have with Kahuna is romantic, no matter what we are doing. Heck, he even makes doing laundry romantic!
Bonus (as in optional): Describe the best date you have ever been on.
KAHUNA – Every next-date with Babushka is my best date. As we are celebrating her Birthday on Saturday, that will be the best date I have been on - unless I f*ck it up :-)
BABUSHKA - Really? Hmm. . . Stay tuned, folks!
Hugs to all!
TMI #105 - Dating Edition
KAHUNA – I have no recollection – Waaaay to long ago
2. Who was the first person you kissed on a date? [First name is fine.]?
KAHUNA – My first girlfriend, Lena when I was 15 years old
3. Where was the first place you ever "parked" (on a date)?
KAHUNA – I assume it was with the gal from question #2, unless ‘parked’ assumes you went all the way with the person.
4. Have you ever gone on a date with someone you met via the internet? If not, would you?
KAHUNA – I have not internet dated and the only way that would occur is if there was a post-Babushka period in my life (Not holding my breath)…….unless we are looking together for a beautiful third.
5. What is the most romantic thing you have done on a first date?
KAHUNA – Romantic is so subjective based on who it is with and the expectations for said date. As an example, before my first ‘official’ date with Babushka I surprised her at a Dierks Bentley concert with a Cowboy hat in hand so she would have one at the concert.
Bonus (as in optional): Describe the best date you have ever been on.
KAHUNA – Every next-date with Babushka is my best date. As we are celebrating her Birthday on Saturday, that will be the best date I have been on - unless I f*ck it up :-)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Double Breasted HNT
I decided to overcome my self-consciousness and post a pic that Babushka took from above.

As most of us, I see myself as less than attractive, although that is changing. It is amazing how as we feel better about ourselves on the inside that we see ourselves as more attractive on the outside. One thing though - I swear I am not that pale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (nor is my stomach that big is it???)
Oh well, the lens never lies.....Have a great HNT everyone!
Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
TMI #104:
1. Wash up, cuddle or fall asleep?
KAHUNA – Absolutely, Positively, Without Question cuddle with Babushka (and wait for round 2)
BABUSHKA - Cuddle up! Oh, I could use that right now!
2. Have you ever fake orgasms?
KAHUNA – Yes I have, even though many people think men are not able or capable to. Perhaps there are different reasons, though. Seems women typically fake in order to make their partner feel better about themselves. In my case it was simply to get the experience over with. I thank the good lord every day that is never an issue with my Babushka!
BABUSHKA - Every time I had vaginal intercourse before Kahuna and about 50% of the time when it was any other play before Kahuna!
3. In any 24 hour period, what is the most number of times you have ever had sex?
KAHUNA – I believe if I recall correctly the answer is 4 times in a previous life (Sorry Babushka – we can work on that!)
BABUSHKA - 8. But, I seam to recall a time when the kids were gone and Kahuna and I tied that 4. . . Or, maybe that did not count because it was continuous with a bit of sleep inbetween. . .
4. Have you ever had sex or give/received oral sex while you were driving a car?
KAHUNA – Yes, although for me I am less interested as I get older. I am a bad enough driver as it is and these days I would rather pull over and molest Babushka anyway!
BABUSHKA - Given, yep! Received, that would be difficult!
5. What do you think the average number of sexual partners your sex has in their lifetime (so for me a male)? Do you think most people lie when asked?
KAHUNA – First, as a guy I would say it is a virtual certainty that guy lie! (bragging is not nearly as enjoyable if confined to the truth). I would have no clue what average is but I would guess somewhere between 5 and 10 female partners. Based on my gay friends I think the number is double for same-sex male partners
BABUSHKA - I think for women the average is about 8-12. That may sound like a lot, but the average of us have been single for a LONG TIME!
Bonus (as in optional): Can men and women be "just friends?" (Explain)
KAHUNA – Certainly men and women can be ‘just friends’, if neither person has any attraction to the other. If there is underlying sexual tension for one but not the other than it is still possibly but uncomfortable. If both have an underlying attraction to the other then that is a different story.
BABUSHKA - That is SO true! I second that!
TMI #104:
KAHUNA – Absolutely, Positively, Without Question cuddle with Babushka (and wait for round 2)
2. Have you ever fake orgasms?
KAHUNA – Yes I have, even though many people think men are not able or capable to. Perhaps there are different reasons, though. Seems women typically fake in order to make their partner feel better about themselves. In my case it was simply to get the experience over with. I thank the good lord every day that is never an issue with my Babushka!
3. In any 24 hour period, what is the most number of times you have ever had sex?
KAHUNA – I believe if I recall correctly the answer is 4 times in a previous life (Sorry Babushka – we can work on that!)
4. Have you ever had sex or give/received oral sex while you were driving a car?
KAHUNA – Yes, although for me I am less interested as I get older. I am a bad enough driver as it is and these days I would rather pull over and molest Babushka anyway!
5. What do you think the average number of sexual partners your sex has in their lifetime (so for me a male)? Do you think most people lie when asked?
KAHUNA – First, as a guy I would say it is a virtual certainty that guy lie! (bragging is not nearly as enjoyable if confined to the truth). I would have no clue what average is but I would guess somewhere between 5 and 10 female partners. Based on my gay friends I think the number is double for same-sex male partners
Bonus (as in optional): Can men and women be "just friends?" (Explain)
KAHUNA – Certainly men and women can be ‘just friends’, if neither person has any attraction to the other. If there is underlying sexual tension for one but not the other than it is still possibly but uncomfortable. If both have an underlying attraction to the other then that is a different story.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Boobie-Thon HNT
With that in mind I have a joint HNT - My hands on Babushka's boobies

We tried Babushka's hands on my boobies - for some reason it just does not have the same effect ;-)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
my turn
KAHUNA – I am definitely an Early Bird (always have been). I get up at about 4:45 so I can go to the gym and work out before work.
BABUSHKA – MidDay. . . I cannot get myself up at 4:45 to go to the gym when Kahuna does. But, I like to be in bed early,too!
If you could only be one, would you rather be smart or good looking?
KAHUNA – Smart – I already know I can get by without being good-looking.
BABUSHKA – Smart – Then you are smart enough to succeed on more than just your looks.
Do you gossip?
KAHUNA – Not very often – Certainly not as much as most people but more than I would like (any gossip is too much).
On a scale of 1-10, how adventurous are you? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
KAHUNA – This is seemingly too broad of a question. As an example – 8.75 on sexual adventures but 1.25 on hunting adventures.
BABUSHKA – 7.5 for just about everything!
On a scale of 1-10, how good a kisser do you think you are? ( ditto )
KAHUNA – I am a 10 when I am kissing Babushka – Probably a 2 with anyone else.
BABUSHKA – You off the charts, Kahuna! I would guess I am a 10 for Kahuna, 7.5 for most everyone else. . .
Bonus (as in optional): What do you consider the biggest turn on out of the following? a) lingerie b) movies c) toys d) role playing e) leather f) none of this does anything for me
KAHUNA – g). All of the above / h). Any combination of a-e
BABUSHKA – A, B, C, D, C (oops, already said that)!
TMI #103
1). Early bird or night owl?
KAHUNA – I am definitely an Early Bird (always have been). I get up at about 4:45 so I can go to the gym and work out before work.
KAHUNA – Smart – I already know I can get by without being good-looking.
KAHUNA – Not very often – Certainly not as much as most people but more than I would like (any gossip is too much).
KAHUNA – This is seemingly too broad of a question. As an example – 8.75 on sexual adventures but 1.25 on hunting adventures.
KAHUNA – I am a 10 when I am kissing Babushka – Probably a 2 with anyone else.
Bonus (as in optional): What do you consider the biggest turn on out of the following? a) lingerie b) movies c) toys d) role playing e) leather f) none of this does anything for me.
KAHUNA – g). All of the above / h). Any combination of a-e
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Together Again TMI
KAHUNA – I must say I have no idea. I do not even remember the names of the elementary schools I attended – I just know they were in Anchorage, Alaska, Arcadia California and Boise Idaho.
BABUSHKA – I cannot remember, either. If I had to venture to guess, I would probably say my father’s non-construction-season boss’ son. I grew up with him, and had a crush on him in junior and senior high. So, it probably started long before that!
2. Which Muppet is your favorite? Why?
KAHUNA – Statler and Waldorf -They are sarcastic curmudgeons (like me)
BABUSHKA – The chef! He was hileraous!
3. Which politician would you most like to screw? [For pleasure or revenge]
KAHUNA – Not sure if you mean literally or figuratively. In any event – Whether Elephant or Donkey they are all the same people (greedy, lying, selfish pricks) and none of them give one crap about you or the infamous ‘American People’.
BABUSHKA – None, thank you! I think it is one of those, someone should. . . just not me things!
4. How did you first find the g-spot?
KAHUNA – Through Babushka’s patience and understanding while I probed all over going “is that it… that it?”
BABUSHKA – Through Kahuna’s patience and understanding while he lorded around asking. . . “Is that it. . .” Trust me, he did not have to ask when he hit it! He knew!
5. What is the best costume you've ever worn?
KAHUNA – When I lived in Maui, I dressed one year as a Trivial Pursuit card listing six stupid questions that tourists ask while in Maui.
BABUSHKA – I was a hobo (male) one time! That was FUN! I drew on a mustache and wore my dad’s pants with a pillow in them and big red suspenders!
Bonus (as in optional): Does pornography liberate or deteriorate society?KAHUNA – Neither, in my opinion. Like anything else, pornography can be productive or destructive depending on the humans involved in making it and the humans involved in watching it. The inherent weaknesses and frailties within each of us are what deteriorate society as the inherent strengths and character within each of us liberates society.
BABUSHKA – Well said, my dear Kahuna!
TMI #102
1. Who did you think you would marry in elementary school?
KAHUNA – I must say I have no idea. I do not even remember the names of the elementary schools I attended – I just know they were in Anchorage, Alaska, Arcadia California and Boise Idaho.
2. Which Muppet is your favorite? Why?
KAHUNA – Statler and Waldorf -They are sarcastic curmudgeons (like me)
3. Which politician would you most like to screw? [For pleasure or revenge]
KAHUNA – Not sure if you mean literally or figuratively. In any event – Whether Elephant or Donkey they are all the same people (greedy, lying, selfish pricks) and none of them give one crap about you or the infamous ‘American People’.
4. How did you first find the g-spot?
KAHUNA – Through Babushka’s patience and understanding while I probed all over going “is that it… that it?”
5. What is the best costume you've ever worn?
KAHUNA – When I lived in Maui, I dressed one year as a Trivial Pursuit card listing six stupid questions that tourists ask while in Maui.
Bonus (as in optional): Does pornography liberate or deteriorate society?
KAHUNA – Neither, in my opinion. Like anything else, pornography can be productive or destructive depending on the humans involved in making it and the humans involved in watching it. The inherent weaknesses and frailties within each of us are what deteriorate society as the inherent strengths and character within each of us liberates society.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Afterglow HNT
Monday night we had a couple hours to enjoy ourselves. Babushka posted an absolutely beautiful prose on the evening.............but just to clarify she DID cum twice :-)
We spent our last couple minutes snapping some photos for the next few weeks. I wish I knew how to link so when you click the photo a more-nekkid photo pops up, but alas I do not so that picture will have to wait.
Is it just me, or does she look better in my shirt than I do!!!!!!!!!

Happy HNT to all
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
TMI #101
BABUSHKA~ Well, “Could” would imply that he has yet to do it. All I can think of is everything he has already done for me! Uhm. . . Tie me up in a sound proof room! He could do that!
BABUSHKA~ Of those, I would have to say I would choose. . . the ability to turn invisible! I am a very visual creature. I would love to be able to watch people as they are, totally natural, without their facades put on for others.
BABUSHKA~ Oh, too funny! I swear, I had not read ahead when I answered #1, I swear! I would rather not have to choose. I love dominating and taking control. I love the thought of being the total giver of pleasure as would happen if I were to tie up Kahuna. But, I also love to be dominated and relinquish control! I love the though of being unable to squirm away, as can be the natural instinct sometimes.
BABUSHKA~ Physical, my eyes. Non-physical, my general, all around, positive outlook.
5. If they were naming new Dwarfs beyond the seven what would your name be and why?
BABUSHKA~ Sunshine because 99.9% of the time I am smiling. In fact, I get teased about it at work (both past and present positions) I have often been called PollyAnna because I can often find a reason to be glad!
KAHUNA – Horny (Due entirely to my Babushka dwarf)
Bonus: What's the most embarrassing thing you ever bought?
BABUSHKA~ A prescription.
KAHUNA – I’ll let you know when I get embarrassed
Remember when I didn't want to cum. . .
Thursday, September 13, 2007
"Let Me Be Free" HNT
Babushka is so stunning when she is dressed for work. Her body turns all the heads......but I still hear her gals begging me for relief........ :-)

Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'
Life is good but I have had enough of goin' solo....if you get my drift
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
TMI Tuesday #100
KAHUNA – The bedroom of a girl I met at a mall – Horrible experience
BABUSHKA - No where exciting or romantic. . . Just a bedroom.
2. Does size matter? (open to interpretation boys and girls)
KAHUNA – Most guys I know inherently think size is the ultimate measure (no pun intended) and that they are woefully inadequate. To hear us talk, if we are not swinging around 10 inches then our gals are missing out.
I will make a confession that I am not sure I told Babushka fully about. I was very worried and self-conscious with her for quite a while. Her previous fiancé and BF before him were both of the genetic makeup that lends to swinging the foot-long and I assume they were swinging said length/girth. Right or not, I just felt like I was not enough for her and that I was letting her down.
Babushka has never led me to believe that I am anything other than perfectly proportioned. She enjoys herself and looks forward to any opportunity to spend time with my ‘not quite a foot’ J. It seems from what I have read from women on the topic that although ‘pinkie dink’ is in fact a problem that average size is just fine for most gals. Plus average makes other activities much more enjoyable as well.
BABUSHKA - Size does matter, but only the size of the non-physical person. . . Their heart. I used to worry that my breasts were too big. 34DD. They would just lead to sagging and being unattractive. Plus, the size was too big to be taken seriously.
It is funny, I used to worry, too, that the size of my pussy mattered, too. The ex who once convinced me that all I had were my faults and him had me convinced that my pussy was not attractive because it was not tight and virginal. He would get on my case when anything happened to leak out of me onto the sheets. It was my fault cause I was the wrong size.
For men, size does matter as in I am not a fan of pain. So, for our culture and our country, yes, size does matter. For me, no. My breasts are a part of me that Kahuna adores, kisses, caresses and even massages when they are swollen.
3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment?
KAHUNA – Nope, although it makes for a nice fantasy…….
BABUSHKA - No way Jose!
4. Ever been skinny dipping?
KAHUNA – Not that I recall but I could definitely see Babushka and I swimming au natural.
BABUSHKA - Not as of yet. :-)
5. Top or bottom?
KAHUNA – I like the flexibility of both with Babushka. I think we enjoy taking charge of the other or being taking charge of by the other.
BABUSHKA - Both! I LOVE when Kahuna is ontop of me, encircling me. . . I feel as if he is shielding me from the world. I LOVE being ontop of Kahuna because this is something I am finally getting comfortable with, and that has only happened with him.
Bonus: Where were you September 11, 2001? What were you doing when you first heard about the twin towers?
KAHUNA – I was at the office with the flu. I ended up going home around 11:00am and watched news coverage while in bed.
BABUSHKA - At the office, we heard the first plane had crashed. We heard the second one had crashed. We went down to the smoke break room and watched the TV, the only one available. Everyone was silent. I left the office just to be home. I think it was about a week before I slept for more than an hour. I just never wanted to miss a moment of life. I think it was about a month before we quit sleeping on the couch, BuddyLuv in my arms. I just never wanted to be away from him.
I hear a plane overhead as I write this. Funny how I remember calling my mom in the middle of the night one of the following evenings to see if she heard the plane that was going over. There was supposed to be no flying.
TMI Tuesday #100
KAHUNA – The bedroom of a girl I met at a mall – Horrible experience
2. Does size matter? (open to interpretation boys and girls)
KAHUNA – Most guys I know inherently think size is the ultimate measure (no pun intended) and that they are woefully inadequate. To hear us talk, if we are not swinging around 10 inches then our gals are missing out.
I will make a confession that I am not sure I told Babushka fully about. I was very worried and self-conscious with her for quite a while. Her previous fiancé and BF before him were both of the genetic makeup that lends to swinging the foot-long and I assume they were swinging said length/girth. Right or not, I just felt like I was not enough for her and that I was letting her down.
Babushka has never led me to believe that I am anything other than perfectly proportioned. She enjoys herself and looks forward to any opportunity to spend time with my ‘not quite a foot’ :-). It seems from what I have read from women on the topic that although ‘pinkie dink’ is in fact a problem that average size is just fine for most gals. Plus average makes other activities that much more enjoyable.
3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment?
KAHUNA – Nope, although it makes for a nice fantasy…….
KAHUNA – Not that I recall but I could definitely see Babushka and I swimming au natural.
5. Top or bottom?
KAHUNA – I like the flexibility of both with Babushka. I think we enjoy taking charge of the other or being taking charge of by the other.
KAHUNA – I was at the office with the flu. I ended up going home around 11:00am and watched news coverage while in bed.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
TMI Tuesday #99
KAHUNA – Grilled Cheese Sandwich
BABUSHKA - Honestly, almost nothing. Because of a sudden financial situation (not positive) I did not feel I could justify buying myself dinner. But, BuddyLuv was so excited to start middle school today, I took him out to our favorite spot and let him order whatever he wanted. I had more then enough of what was left.
2. How much cash is in your purse/wallet right now?KAHUNA – $26.00
BABUSHKA - $20 from Gram who watches BuddyLuv after school. She needs some of his favorite flavored water.
3. What have you done to avoid being flirted with by someone you didn't like?
KAHUNA – Babushka can attest to this…..I think of my lovely Babushka and how grateful I am that she is in my life (and not the person flirting)
BABUSHKA - Kahuna, you are too cute! See, everyone, since it became public knowledge that Kahuna left the ex, he has had MANY women at work come onto him. . . They just ignored the fact that he was already involved, even though the new came out at the same time. . . What did I do to avoid being flirted with? I can be a wimp. . . I would rather avoid a situation altogether than find a way to avoid the flirting alone.
4. Do you believe the theory "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
KAHUNA – Having been a cheater in the past I do not believe that theory. What I do believe is if you do not address the reason why you/your SO cheated before that they will eventually cheat again.
BABUSHKA - I agree totally with Kahuna.
5. Describe your sex life in two words.
KAHUNA – Phenomenally Fulfilling
BABUSHKA - Perfect 4 us (4 being a number, not a word)
Bonus (as in optional): Would you/have you ever paid money for sex?
KAHUNA – I never have and don’t think I would pay for an “individual acts of sex”. On the other hand, I am continuing to pay significant sums of money for a marriage that included sporadic and bad sex……..Perhaps I should have done the former
BABUSHKA - I think we did this one before. . . I have paid dearly. . . Just not in the tradition way most think of paying for it.